Welcome to our website:
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
This is a good motto to remember. We Americans have united during our most enduring moments and accomplished great feats. We are faced with a daunting task with a major fiscal set of problems at the federal level during the time of the second great contraction not unlike that faced in the Great Depression. We can solve this set of fiscal problems but only if we unite and stand together as we have done in our best moments when we accomplished great feats. It will require that we agree that everything must be looked at. Unfortunately, there will be pain that we must all endure. We will pay more in taxes and have less benefits. We will need to pay off the debts of our federal government faithfully. By so doing, we are securing the future for our children and grandchildren and their heirs just as our forbears did for us. It is our time and turn to sacrifice. Let us go forward.
This website has been developed to provide objective information about our fiscal problems, to outline some of the considerations to be taken into account in each area, and to list of some of the proposals (including our own) that have been put forth to solve these issues. Hopefully, it will provide us all a basis to make an informed judgment about our options concerning the new taxes needed and the cuts in expenditures required so we have a balanced federal budget over time. Hopefully, it will avert a catastrophic fiscal failure not unlike that endured by Greece today or facing France, Italy, Japan, Portugal, and Spain.