Social Security Disability Predators Attack using Social Media

The Social Security Disability Fund will be bankrupt by 2016. As noted before, the program is being scammed by some recipients, too helpful doctors, 20 states including Oregon and Washington, consultants who receive $2,000 to $3,000 by converting Medicaid recipients to Disability recipients, and lawyers and their firms. Some of these same predators are now attacking the carcass of this dying program directly. The are doing this by trolling for potential recipients of this program on face book and other social media sites. One ad that my friend just sent to me was from It notes that ‘special rules make it easier to get approved if you are over age 50. Click here to get a free consultation to see if you may qualify for benefits of $2,533 a month in ssdi benefits’. It appears to be from a legal firm. If you goggle social security disability help, you get two other sites that also appear to be legal firms. No wonder the Social Security Disability Fund is going bankrupt. It is being abused and abused in many way by multiple groups.
To solve the bankruptcy of the Social Security Disability Program, more funding of benefits is not necessary nor is combining it with the Social Security Retirement Trust Fund as has been proposed by the Administration. By the way, that latter proposal would cut 2 years off the present life of the Social Security Retirement Trust Fund. Why should the rest of us suffer because of these scammers and their many partners?
Instead clean up this program by adding sufficient personnel to the Social Security Administration budget to review the 11,000,000 claimants over the next 4 years and to insure the Administrative Hearings are attended by an advocate for the taxpayer and the Trust Fund. Fine the 20 states who are gaming the system and converting their poor from a state responsibility to a Federal responsibility. Prohibit the paying of consultants a bounty of $2,000 to $3,000 per person that is converted. Put in place a system to return these disabled back to work. The short term savings utilizing these steps would be enormous and could return the Social Security Trust Fund to solvency almost immediately. Only $35 billion per year is needed to reach a breakeven. Our estimate of savings by following the steps above are $47 billion annually out of a $146 billion yearly budget. A $47 billion cut in expenditure would allow the replenishing of the Trust Fund. When will the Congress and the President act. We hope soon.
If this is not done and the fund goes bankrupt in 2016, those folks who are truly disabled and legitimately receiving Social Security Disability benefits will be hurt. Benefits for these legitimate folks will be cut by 25% just as will those benefits for the scammers. Wouldn’t it be better to help the truly disabled by removing the scammers.
Harry Pukay-Martin

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