Obama takes up income inequality
Harry, you are not hard enough on the President. At a time when we need to be brought together, the President is fermenting class warfare. At a time when one of the best men to live on this earth just died and who brought his people together avoiding a race war, Obama tarnishes Mandela’s memory by trying to divide his own country. Obama falls back on what he does well-doing a stump speech and pandering to a like minded crowd. He will not do the real work of the President which is to lead the country on the domestic and foreign fronts. I think he gets bored with the work that must be done to accomplish the nation’s business. I think that he also does not like the work, he is not experienced at it, nor is he adept at it. He cannot persuade foreign leaders to follow his lead as President Bush did. He cannot persuade legislators to follow his lead or compromise with them as President Johnson did. He cannot draw up an innovative program and execute it as President Roosevelt did with Social Security. Either the President should decide to roll up his sleeves and get the work of the nation done as best he can or he should resign.
Sam Allen