AARP Threatens Lawmakers for Trying to Fix Social Security Retirement

Harry, you are being too soft on AARP and their allies.  These attacks on Congressmen trying to fix Social Security and save it from bankruptcy are terrible. They are more than outrageous.  They are more than shortsighted.  They make me so mad I could spit.  I should burn my AARP card.  AARP is selling the older people out as well as their children and their grandchildren.  Who do they represent with their outlandish behavior? I don’t know but it is concerning.  I think AARP has lost its way.  From my own selfish perspective, I wonder what AARP is going to do for me when I have a 23% cut in my social security retirement benefits when I am 83?  Nothing I suspect.  They will just blame the Congress for not acting.  What a lie!  They prevented the Congress from acting.  Such nonsense. 

AARP spends $174 million lobbying Congress and others each year after earning $1.2 billion in revenues by providing insurance and other products to the public especially the elderly public.  Why has the IRS not taken them to task and taxed them on this income?  Why, instead, has the IRS devoted their resources to Tea Party groups with no money when this giant goes untaxed and unburdened with appropriate oversight? 

  AARP needs to start being part of the solution to this impending Social Security bankruptcy now rather than being part of the problem.   Let them publicize the issue,  present a credible plan, and then work to get it adopted by Congress.

Sam Allen

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