Naïve editorial writer says Social Security Program is in a better place these days.

Harry,  you were too kind to Ms. Harrop.  Her comments were not only naïve but inane,   had no basis in fact, and are extremely dangerous in solving the long term insolvency of the Social Security Retirement program.  She is lulling the public into a slumber instead of arousing them to action.  She is praising a soft headed new give away program by two liberal democrats rather than praising other proposals that attempt to address the real issue.  How absurd!  I am facing a 25% cut in my Social Security Retirement benefit when I am 83, a time when I cannot return easily to work again.  Our children and grandchildren are facing an extremely bleak future without the solvency of this program.  I want this issue addressed now by Congress and the President before it is too late and it is getting close to being too late as the national debt continues to rise and the interest associated with it continues to eat at all our other programs including the Social Security Retirement program. 

Sam Allen

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