Trump’s Supreme Court

The latest effort to persuade Republicans that Trump should be elected because he will nominate good candidates for the Supreme Court is absolutely wrong headed. Don’t fall for such nonsense.


First, Trump is a Democrat, always has been. He just joined the Republican Party because he felt he had a better shot winning the nomination for the Presidency there than in the Democratic Party.  If the Republicans had super delegates like the Democrats, Trump would have lost and we would have a more reasonable candidate that could easily have beaten Hillary.  Unfortunately, we were not that wise. 

Trump changes his mind. He already has moved away from the birther issue. He almost disavowed his immigration stand.  He has changed his tax plan 3 times.  It is not clear where he stands on the abortion issue.  He has said what he would do about the Supreme Court and who his nominees will be.  Do you really trust him to do this?  Really!  Will we get another Warren- like Eisenhower, a Republican, nominated.  Perhaps.

Trump is just a salesman closing the sale. That is his training and his experience.  He will do and say anything in private or public to win the election.  Then he will do what he wants and feels is best for him.  And that means tacking to the center and left including his nominees for the Supreme Court.

Trump is a Democrat. He has told Maureen Dowd, the columnist for the New York Times, that the New York Times will be proud of his Presidency.  How better to do that than to nominate a New York Times  acceptable candidate or candidates to the Supreme Court

The most important issue is this. Trump will get us into a nuclear war with his words and his temperament either with North Korea or Russia as early as the first days of  his Presidency. See my blog on August 22, 2016 about how this can easily occur. 

For the sake of our children, our grand children, and all those who come after us, you must vote for Hillary Clinton even if you have to hold your nose. Trump will destroy our great country.  God bless American and all of us. 

Sam Allen

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