US Objectives with North Korea

The June 12, 2018 summit between the United States and North Korea is a miracle. I hope we can reach agreement and prevent the possibility of war. The US appears to be negotiating to
1. end the war and declare peace between North Korea and the United Nations with its armies from South Korea, the United States, Japan, and its other allies;
2. have North Korea destroy their present nuclear weapons and all missiles (whether short range, intermediate, or long range) that can deliver those weapons against South Korea, Japan, the United States, China or other countries;
3. have North Korea destroy all testing, production, and other facilities devoted to nuclear weapons and missiles;
4. have North Korea disband its nuclear weapon and missile programs and repurpose those remaining assets to peaceful purposes;
5. have North Korea dismantle half of the current artillery and rocket launchers targeting Seoul and its surrounding regions;
6. have robust and unconditioned inspections of North Korea by United Nations personnel to insure the 5 conditions are met and continue to be met; and
7. have North Korea progressively dismantle all but 50 of the artillery and rocket launchers targeting Seoul and its surrounding regions over the next 2 years.

When the first 6 conditions are accomplished, the United Nations and its member nations will rescind the economic sanctions now on North Korea.

The United States may also suggest that North Korea invite China to have one or more military bases located in North Korea to serve as a trip wire, just as South Korea has United States military bases in its territory to serve as a trip wire in the case North Korea again attacks South Korea as it did in June 1950.

We do hope that these steps can be agreed to and implemented, war will permanently end on the Korean peninsula, and a Nobel Peace Prize be awarded to both Presidents Trump and Moon. If not, the current economic sanctions will be enforced strictly and other more arduous sanctions will be placed on North Korea. Hopefully, these will work. Otherwise, war is a frightening possibility.

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