Income Security Proposals
There are many proposals to deal with Income Security and its large growth since FY2008. Below are listed a few of these plans.
1. Simpson Bowles Plan
2. Domenici Rivlin Plan
3. The Heritage Foundation
4. The Concord Coalition
5. United We Stand Proposal (see below).
United We Stand Proposal
1. Review the Federal Civilian and Military retirement systems and make responsible cuts. This will save $75 billion over 10 years.
2. In FY2015, lower these programs to $520 billion and roll them back to their FY2008 levels by FY2020. This will save $15 billion in FY2015 and $139 billion in FY2020.
3. Hold these programs to 50% of inflation from FY2021 to FY2023. This will save another $24 billion by FY 2023.