The State of Ohio Medicaid Expansion Proposal

The Governor has proposed the expansion of Medicaid to another 275,000 folks in Ohio starting January 1, 2014. This proposal is supported by healthcare providers, business interests, and others. It is a very appealing proposal as expansion would help many of our fellow residents, it is line with the new healthcare reform proposals, and it would net the state $4 billion dollars over several years. However, we have to do what is right for our state and our country. At the federal level, we have a debt of over $16 billion and a deficit for FY 2013 projected to be $642 billion or 4% of the GDP based upon the latest Congressional Budget Office figures. We cannot, therefore in good conscience, support this expansion of Medicaid and agree with the majority leaders of both legislative bodies in Ohio in their views to oppose this expansion proposal. We would hope other states would follow such an example and Arizona would rescind its expansion legislation.
If and when the Congress and the President get the budget in line and run a surplus, we would be more than glad to consider and support this proposal for Medicaid expansion. Until that is done, all new expenditures at the Federal level should be opposed.
Harry Pukay-Martin

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