Congress is on the right track with move to reform the Social Security Disability Program

The new rules for the House of Representatives restrict the reallocation of monies between the Social Security Disability Fund (which will go bankrupt early next year) and the Social Security Retirement Fund. By taking this step, the Congress is forcing itself and the President to address the bankruptcy of Social Security Disability Program no later than 2016 rather than kick the can down the road to 2033 when the entire Social Security Program goes bankrupt. By moving monies from the Social Security Retirement Program to the Disability Program, a solution advocated by many to avoid the political problems aroused by addressing this bankruptcy directly and solving the issue for another generation or two, we would continue to put our head in the sand and deny fiscal reality.
It is time to add resources to the Social Security Administration so we can defend these programs, the tax payers, and the folks who really need and deserve these programs. Every disabled worker on the program should be reviewed over 4 years. Many of these recipients are not disabled but judged to have back problems and depression. Many back problems can be treated with exercise, alternative therapies, and drugs. Many depressives can be treated with exercise, counseling, and drugs. Add lawyers to advocate for the programs and the tax payers at Hearings by the Administrative Law Judges so it is balanced and fair once more. Further, the program is being scammed by recipients, too ‘helpful’ doctors, aggressive lawyers, and at least 20 states such as Oregon and Washington who pay consultants $2,000 to $3,000 to convert Medicaid recipients to Social Security Disability recipients. Put in laws to stop this unethical and illegal behavior by these physicians, the states, the consultants, and the lawyers who are riding this gravy train. Impose heavy fines and put a few of them in jail.
By addressing the problems of the Social Security Disability Program, perhaps the President and the Congress will have built up the trust to address the other entitlement programs of Social Security Retirement, Medicare, and Medicaid. That would be a true legacy for President Obama, Speaker Boehner, and Senate Majority Leader McConnell. It reminds me of the bold steps taken by Tip O’Neill and Reagan in the 1980’s.

Harry Pukay-Martin

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