Trump’s Loose Lips

Loose Lips Sink Ships was a saying that goes back to WWII and Trump can’t help himself with his loose lips and his outrageous, undisciplined, imprecise statements making it unclear to allies and our enemies what the United States will do in several significant circumstances. Two of his recent statements could involve us in nuclear confrontations. Here’s how.  Trump’s statement number one talks about Trump as President and Commander in Chief considering not defending the Baltic states if they were attacked by Russia.  Remember, the Baltic nations are members of NATO and any attack on them requires all NATO members, including the US,  to respond by defending the attacked member.  We and our European allies have begun rotating troops in the Baltic states to signal to Russian that we will not allow Russian aggression against the Baltic states as Russia had perpetrated  against Crimea and Ukraine (Ukraine is not a NATO member).  Given Putin’s aggressive nature and Trump’s statement, if Trump wins the Presidency, Putin will begin massing troops in and around the Baltic states in early November.  Putin will have agents within the Baltic states stir up trouble between Russian speakers and the native populations providing him with an excuse to intervene on behalf of the Russian speakers just as he did in the Ukraine.  On January 1, 2017, just as Trump assumes the Presidency, Putin will intervene massively taking over control of the Baltic states in short order.  As a result, many military and civilian casualties will result including those of the rotating forces of the US and our European allies.  Of course Trump will not accept Putin’s maiming and killing  our soldiers so Trump will get on the red line to Moscow and tell Putin to back off and back out of the Baltic states despite what Trump said in the first place.  Given the political situation in Russia and his own ego, Putin cannot and will not back down.   The US will escalate the confrontation in its attempt to remove the Russians from the Baltic states.  Putin will counter that move.  One escalation follows another and at some point, if cooler heads don’t prevail, we move to a nuclear confrontation.  Millions will die in that exchange simply because Trump was loose with his lips.

  Trump’s statement number two involves Korea.  It could also lead to a nuclear exchange.  Trump indicated that he will pull out  US troops from South Korea.  When he does that, it is likely Kim Jong-un will attack South Korea and attempt to unify all of Korea under the North’s regime.  The United States by treaty is required to come to the aid of the South Koreas.  We will do that and North Korea will be moved back to its borders.  However, President Trump may want to stomp his enemy into the ground and he will order the US and South Korea to cross the 38th parallel.  Kim Jong-un, backed into a corner,  will retaliate with nuclear weapon strikes against South Korea, Japan, and the United States.  The United States will respond in kind obliterating North Korea.  Millions would die under these circumstance simply because Trump was loose with his lips.


We cannot have someone become President of the United States that does not understand that his words have meaning and that other leaders around the world, both friend and foe, will take actions based upon those words.  Trump thus disqualifies himself  for the US Presidency. He can be an entertainer in chief or a stand up comedian, but not the Commander in Chief or the President of these United States. I would ask that Mr. Trump resign as the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party immediately.


Finally, it should give us all pause when both Putin of Russia and Kim Jong-un of North Korea support Trump for President of the United States. 

Sam Allen

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