Income Security Considerations
Income security expenditures are made up of the following programs:
General Retirement and Disability Insurance (excluding the Social Security Program) 1%, Federal Retirement and Disability Insurance 25%, Unemployment Compensation 13%, Housing Assistance 9%, Food and Nutrition Assistance 20%, and Other 32%.
1. Review the Federal Civilian and Military retirement systems and make responsible cuts. This will save $75 billion over 10 years.
2. In FY2015, lower these programs to $520 billion and roll them back to their FY2008 levels in FY 2020. This will save $15 billion in FY2015 and $139 billion in FY2020.
3. Hold these programs to 50% of inflation from FY2021 to FY2023. This will save $24 bilion per year by 2023.