
Other Expenditures Proposals


There are many proposals to deal with the Other Expenditures cutbacks. Below is a list of some of the plans.


1. Simpson Bowles Plan

2. Domenici Rivlin Plan

3. The Heritage Foundation

4. The Concord Coalition

5. United We Stand Proposal (see below).



United We Stand Proposal



1. Exempt veteran benefits and services from the cuts as there is a debt owed to our veterans.


2. Freeze these expenditures to FY 2014 levels in FY 2015 and decrease them back to the FY 2008 levels proportionately for 5 years from FY2016 thru FY2020. 

3. Hold any percentage increases in these budget categories to the lower of 50% of inflation or to 50% of tax receipts from FY2021 to FY 2024.